Hello from San Diego 🙂 Today’s blog written by Zoe chan♪ Here we go!
8:00 朝食
9:30 バス出発
10:00 シーワールド到着 班別行動
17:00 シーワールド出発
17:30 寮到着
18:00 夕食
19:00 ナイトアクティビティ (Uno&Jenga)
22:00 就寝
Hello everyone! This is Zoe Fox, the coordinator for Kizuna Camp!
みなさん、こんにちは。キズナキャンプコーディネーターのZoe Foxです。
Today, we explored one of San Diego`s greatest attractions, Seaworld! We started the day with a rollercoaster ride called Manta. Everyone loved it so much we decided to ride it twice!
One of the most popular events at Seaworld is the Shamu Show, where Orcas perform for the crowd around them. They all waved, danced, and even did flips for everyone to enjoy.
Due to the heat, everyone was excited to ride the Shipwreck Rapids. It is a raft ride where 9 people ride down a river and get very wet from the river. The ride definitely cooled everyone off and they were ready for some delicious food! Hamburgers, fries, salads, and BBQ foods were very popular today.
熱くなってきたところでみんなShipwreck Rapidに乗りました。これは9名乗りの川下りで水濡れ必死のアトラクションです。
After we all ate, we explored some of the animals that Seaworld has. Some students went to the Shark area, some visited penguins, while others saw an amazing Pet Show. At the Pet Show, dogs, cats, pigs, and birds all perform amazing tricks. I wish I could train my animals to do similar tricks 🙂
Our final event was the ride called Journey to Atlantis. It is a similar attraction to Splash Mountain, but even the students that were too tired to ride it got soaked!
そして最後のイベントはJourney to Atlantisというものでディズニーにあるスプラッシュマウンテンに似たものです。
All in all, our day at Seaworld was filled with lots of laughs, lots of rides, and a lot of splashing! Thanks for reading my blog entry! All the students are having a great time and speaking English with the students! See you tomorrow!