Day 13: August 7th, 2024
Sunny (84°)
Hello everyone!
Today is the very last full day of Kizuna Camp and the day everyone was waiting for, DisneyLand! We got up bright and early to eat breakfast for the last time at Cafe Ventanas and checked out of our dorms at North America Hall. Students also said their goodbyes to Yuri and Kana as it was time to part ways before leaving for Anaheim. Thank you for all your guys’ hard work Kana and Yuri!

After the hour and a half drive north, we finally reached our hotel! We dropped off our luggage, filled up our waters, and started our walk to Disney! Today was rather hot but that didn’t stop the students’ excitement!

Once we got through the entrance gates we were off to all the different attractions; Rollercoasters, shops, and most importantly, restaurants for our lunch! Some of the rollercoasters we went on were Matterhorn, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, and by far the most popular, Rise of the Resistance. It was pretty crowded for a weekday, but the thrill was worth the wait!

The most popular area to be in was definitely Star Wars: Galaxy Edge! The Star Wars themed rides, food, and overall atmosphere was super fun to be around. The designs and animatronics were so impressive!

Of course, you can’t go to Disney without doing some shopping! Students went ahead and treated themselves to mouse ears, clothing, and other fun knick-knacks! I even bought myself a fun little Remi from Ratatouille~

After working so hard with classes and experiencing so much of both American life and culture, today was a wonderful end to Kizuna Camp. Tomorrow will be the send off for all the Japanese students, whom I will dearly miss. I truly hope everyone had a great time with their new friends and continue to grow once they return home from camp!
Here’s to our final night here in California! Good night everyone!
一番人気のエリアは、間違いなくStar Wars: Galaxy Edgeでした。スター・ウォーズをテーマにした乗り物、食べ物、全体的な雰囲気がとても楽しかったです。デザインもアニマトロニクス(ロボットの動き)もとても印象的でした。