KIZUNA CAMP 2024 – Day 11

Day 11: August 5, 2024

Sunny and Humid (87°)

Good morning everyone!

Today is our final presentation day! Students woke up bright and early to eat breakfast and head to class to get their video game ideas finalized. All of their concepts are so creative! My favorite was the “Sky Tower Sniper”!

After these past few weeks, I’ve definitely seen a vast improvement on everyone’s confidence, team work, and brainstorming skills! Working with a group will always be a slight challenge, but I truly believe learning to work together is extremely important for building character and life long skills. Project based learning has always been a part of my life and I’m so happy to be able to share this way of gaining knowledge with the Japanese students! Great work everyone!

We then finished off the class by reflecting on our work done thus far, sharing to the class what they thought they did well and what they could do better. Spending time to reflect on not only our work but also as an individual and team is crucial for developing our learning skills!

To celebrate our successful final presentations, we headed for lunch to eat some chicken risotto and grilled fish. With full bellies, we’re ready to head to Old Town! Old Town is a San Diego State Historic Park that is full of homes and shops in 1800s-era Mission style architecture that reflect it’s Mexican roots. We had lots of fun exploring the neighborhood with our scavenger hunt!

After walking around in the heat, we got on the bus to visit a full sized Target (not the one on campus) for some last minute snack shopping! Students bought a lot of goodies to bring back to their friends and family waiting in Japan! Hope you guys enjoy them when they get back ~

When the students finished their intense shopping, we headed back to UCSD. We spent some time to cool off during our free time and went to dinner to grab some salmon and tofu dishes. Students played the Number Game and Capture the Flag for tonight’s night activities!

We’re all tired out from today’s activities so we’ll go ahead and get to bed. See you all tomorrow for our final class and farewell party at Belmont Park!

See you later!



この2週間で、みんなの自信、チームワーク、ブレインストーミングのスキルが大きく向上したのは間違いありません。グループで何かを行うことは、常に多少の困難が伴いますが、共同作業をすることは、人格形成や、生涯にわたるスキルを身につける上で非常に重要なことだと、私は心から信じています。プロジェクトベースの学習(PBL) は常に私の人生の一部であり、知識を得るこの方法を日本の生徒たちと共有できたことをとても嬉しく思います。みんなよくやったね!





