Day 8- Tuesday August 1st, 2017
Partly Cloudy (86°)
7:30am- 8:30am – Breakfast at 64 Degrees
9:00am – 12:00pm – English Class (Crossword puzzle review, Irregular verbs practice, Campus scavenger hunt, Group Restaurant Role-Play, Seaworld vocabulary game)
12:30pm – 1:30pm – Lunch at 64 Degrees
2:00pm – 2:45pm – San Diego Museum of Art Visit
3:00pm – 4:45pm – Scavenger Hunt at Balboa Park & Free Time
6:00pm – 7:00pm – Dinner at 64 Degrees
7:00pm – 8:00pm – Night Activity (“Heads Up” & “Give me an Example” English Game)
Hello everyone! Today was a great improvement for our English Class! The students continue to push themselves more and more in English. It is very impressive to see them grow everyday 🙂
In class, students worked together on a crossword puzzle and then reviewed vocabulary together. After this review, students walked outside for a scavenger hunt where they had to talk to UCSD students walking around campus. They did a great job practicing their English with native English speakers and they did a great job participating today! It was a great thing to see them opening up in class 🙂
After English class, we enjoyed our lunch with the American classroom assistants and practiced our English. Today was a beautiful day, so we were excited to be outside for the afternoon activity.
For today, we went to one of the best sightseeing spots in San Diego called Balboa Park. Balboa Park is very large and has 17 museums and cultural centers! We did not have the time to explore all the museums, but we did go to the San Diego Museum of Art 🙂
After our Museum visit, we split into teams and explored Balboa Park. I was even able to join a group and explore the park too! The sun made it a hot day, but we had a nice breeze of wind throughout the day to cool us off.
For our scavenger hunt, we had to take pictures together in interesting poses! Balboa Park has gardens, theaters, sculptures, and more!
I am glad that everyone was able to see Balboa Park together because it is truly a cultural treasure within San Diego!! It is my favorite spot in San Diego, along with the San Diego Zoo 🙂
After all that time in the sun, we worked up our appetite and ate our dinner at 64 Degrees. Tonight, our night activities were more English Games! The first game is called “Heads Up,” where one person has to guess the word using hints from their teammates! Their team members had use other English words, and No Japanese at all!!
The second game we played was called “Give me an Example.” This game was much more difficult because students had to write their answers down… and spell them correctly! In this game, the students had a question and they had to write down examples. For example, “What do American’s eat for Breakfast?” and students had to write down examples such as toast, cereal, fruit, yogurt, and so on!
Everyone is very competitive in this group, but the new team in the lead is team “Teen Yellow!”
Tomorrow, we will be going shopping at Fashion Valley Mall! I hope there is room for everyone’s purchases!
Thanks for reading and have an awesome night! 🙂
- Zoe
8月1日(火) 時々曇り 86℉/30℃
そしてナイトアクティビティでは英語ゲームをしました。最初は「Heads Up」という、チームメイトからヒントをもらって単語を当てるゲームです。日本語は一切使わず、他の英単語でヒントを出していきます。
二つ目は「Give me an Example」という、質問に対する答えをたくさん書いていくゲームですが、答えを正しいスペルで英語で書いていくのがとても難しかったようです。