Day 1: Tuesday, July 25th 2017
Cloudy and Humid (74°)
Hello everyone!
My name is Zoe Fox and I am the coordinator for the Kizuna Summer Camp at UCSD. Ben and I will be living at Beagle Hall with the students for Kizuna Camp and helping them during the program. I studied Japanese for 10 years now, so I can understand Japanese. But, I will only be using English for our Camp to encourage students to practice English. Our camp will also have Japanese staff joining us most days to support students. In case of an emergency, we also have experienced Japanese staff members that can help 24/7, so they are in good hands!
The students arrived at Beagle Hall today, tired but excited for practicing English!
To warm up, we played 4 English Games as a group. The games were Hangman, Telephone, “I love my neighbor,” and a memory game with names 🙂
For our first Dinner at the cafeteria, called 64 Degrees, students ate Orange Chicken, Salads, Tacos, and Beef Stir Fry.
After dinner, we went through our Kizuna Camp Orientation and Rules. It was all English, but everyone did their best to understand. We played another game where students had to memorize everyone’s names.
For our first day, we are all getting an early night so we can speak a lot of English with the American students and explore San Diego together!
Good night and See you tomorrow!
7月25日(火)くもり 74°F/23℃
こんにちは!UCSDキズナキャンプコーディネーターのZoe Foxです。
私ともう一人のコーディネーターのBenが、参加者と同じ学生寮「Beagle Hall」に滞在して生徒さんたちをサポートします。
今日はキズナキャンプの参加者が続々とBeagle Hallに到着しました。疲れている様子はありますが、ワクワク感も伝わってきます!初対面の参加者の緊張をほぐすため、4つの英語ゲームを行いました。