Day 6: July 31st, 2024
Sunny (74°)
Good morning everyone!
We started a new project today! After getting some breakfast at Cafe Ventanas we went to class to be introduced to our new groups and got right to it. For this project, the Japanese and American students will work together to create a public service announcement (PSA). The PSA could be for anything! Could be something serious or it could be something funny. One group is making a PSA on bad fashion sense! Pretty silly, right?
Students creatively filmed their PSAs today to be ready to present them to the class tomorrow!

After class and lunch, we visited the UCSD bookstore again to finish getting all our university goods. For our afternoon activity, we stayed on campus to make ourselves tie dye t-shirts! While each group was making their shirts, the students were playing sports outside or continuing with their friendship bracelet making. It was some students’ first time making tie dye so it was definitely a new experience!

We then had a nice long break before going to dinner where we had some pasta and chicken. To end the night, we played a lot of different American board games like Jenga, Twister, Scrabble, and a new word association game called Tapple!

We were all very tired by the end, so we went straight to bed after our final round. Tomorrow, we’ll go to a giant San Diego Mall and a Japanese Market after showcasing our PSAs to the class!
I’ll see you all tomorrow, goodnight!
このプロジェクトでは、日米の生徒が協力して「PSA」(Public Service Announcement/公共サービス広告) の動画を制作します。PSAの内容は深刻な内容でも、面白い内容でも構いません。あるグループは、ファッションセンスの悪さについてのPSAを作っていました。おもしろいですよね!今日はクリエイティブなPSAを撮影し、明日クラスで発表できるように準備しました。
@skyus_global Kizuna Camp 2日目!UCSDキャンパスツアー、ラホヤビーチ、ショッピングを満喫♪ #KizunaCamp #SKYUS #サマーキャンプ #UCSD ♬ オリジナル楽曲 – SKYUS