Day 3- Thursday July 27th, 2017
Partly Cloudy (74°)
7:30am-8:30am – Breakfast at 64 Degrees
9:00am-12:00pm – English Class (Small talk practice, Grammar lesson, Beach vocabulary, SeaWorld vocabulary, role-plays)
12:30pm – 1:30pm – Lunch at 64 Degrees
1:30pm – 5:00pm – La Jolla Shores Beach Day
5:00pm – 6:00pm – Free Time
6:00pm – 7:00pm – Dinner at 64 Degrees
7:00pm – 9:00pm – Night Activity – Movie Night “The Incredibles”
Hello everyone! Today was a great introduction to a typical day in San Diego… A Beach Day!
Here is a look at our breakfast today. This was Ben’s breakfast of french toast, potatoes, bacon, eggs, a donut, a cinnamon roll, and, of course, coffee! Big American portions, right?
In our English class, we practiced small talk in English and how to ask and answer common questions. For example, “Where are you from?” “Do you like this weather?” and “What are your hobbies?”
To prepare for our beach day, we also reviewed beach vocab and got a head start on SeaWorld vocab too! Students also did role-plays with the classroom assistants (without any scripts!) Very impressive work today in class 🙂
Although it was cloudy, we all enjoyed our first beach day! Some students went swimming, some played volleyball, but everyone was able to experience a typical beach day in San Diego!
After playing in the ocean, most students got to know each other at the La Jolla Shores Park. I heard lots of students practicing their English, so I was very proud of their eagerness to practice English. Good job everyone!
Before leaving, we played a quick game called, “Down by the banks.” This is a great game with big groups, but the song is a little hard to remember… even I forgot the words!
For dinner, one of the many options were chicken, fish, pork, or beef tacos. Tonight, Ben enjoyed the chicken tacos. This is a very San Diego-style dinner!
The last 3 students finished making their Tie-Dye t-shirts, but we will be able to see the finished shirts by Saturday.
After our day at the beach, we all got together to watch the movie, “The Incredibles.” I highly recommend this movie if you haven’t seen it before! Lots of laughs and a family with super powers, so it was a great way to end our night.
Overall, students are opening up more and more with the American students. Tomorrow is our most popular event (Korean BBQ & Bowling), so expect a lot of delicious looking pictures and action shots!
Have a good night and I hope you are excited for fun pictures tomorrow 🙂
7月27日(木)時々くもり 74°F/23℃
“Down by the banks”というゲームもしました。大きなグループで行うゲームで、歌が少し難しく、私も忘れてしまうぐらいでした。(説明が難しいのでぜひYoutubeなどで検索してみてください!)
夜は「The Incredibles」(邦題:Mr.インクレディブル)の映画鑑賞です。超能力を持った家族の面白い話で楽しく夜を締めくくりました。